
If anyone wants to talk to you about “career development” instead of higher pay, end the coversation

I'm fortunate to have a very good job and a strong linkedin presence, so I am frequently getting approached by headhunters who link up with hiring managers trying to get new people. The amount of times that I've been offered equal or less money than my current role with the promise of “career development” (p.s. I don't need need it, my qualifications are on point), is disgusting. What's the point of career development if it doesn't mean more money? When you offer me career development, are you going to contractually guarantee a significant promotion and more money down the road? No? Sounds like you're just bullshitting me then. 99% of the time if someone offers you career development, it's just code for trying to make you feel better about being underpaid. If they're evasive about your salary requirements and this is their go-to to try to win you over, just…

I'm fortunate to have a very good job and a strong linkedin presence, so I am frequently getting approached by headhunters who link up with hiring managers trying to get new people.

The amount of times that I've been offered equal or less money than my current role with the promise of “career development” (p.s. I don't need need it, my qualifications are on point), is disgusting. What's the point of career development if it doesn't mean more money? When you offer me career development, are you going to contractually guarantee a significant promotion and more money down the road? No? Sounds like you're just bullshitting me then.

99% of the time if someone offers you career development, it's just code for trying to make you feel better about being underpaid. If they're evasive about your salary requirements and this is their go-to to try to win you over, just end the conversation. Maybe you're at a stage where you really do want some career development, but you shouldn't need to take a pay cut to get it. If they actually think you're someone whose development will benefit their organization in that way, they wont be quibbling over your salary.

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