
Job messed up and hired me even though I was underage

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this post. It’s just the biggest work related sub lol. I recently was hired at a music venue/nightclub in New York State in a guest relation position. Basically a help desk/ merchandise job with some extra responsibilities. I did not handle any alcohol. I went through the interview, on boarding process, and first 2 shifts without any issue. It paid decently well and everything seemed fine. Although one of my co workers did note that I was the youngest person working at the club. I’m 18. My schedule hadn’t been updated, so I reached out to my manager today I received the following message: “Hey [my name], so it was brought to my attention from our HR department that you are under the age of 21. Due to [job] being a night club, all of our staff has to be 21+ older…

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this post. It’s just the biggest work related sub lol. I recently was hired at a music venue/nightclub in New York State in a guest relation position. Basically a help desk/ merchandise job with some extra responsibilities. I did not handle any alcohol. I went through the interview, on boarding process, and first 2 shifts without any issue. It paid decently well and everything seemed fine. Although one of my co workers did note that I was the youngest person working at the club. I’m 18.

My schedule hadn’t been updated, so I reached out to my manager today I received the following message:

“Hey [my name], so it was brought to my attention from our HR department that you are under the age of 21. Due to [job] being a night club, all of our staff has to be 21+ older to work in certain departments.

I’m working with HR to figure out a way we can still have you work without any problems. I will update you once I get an update”

This was the manager that interviewed me and sent the job offer. I never made any attempt to conceal my age. I didn’t even think I had any reason to because the job listing didn’t mention an age requirement. At least any that I saw. My birthdate was all over the onboarding paperwork

Do you guys have any idea what I should expect? I’m feeling kind of blind sided by this. I recently moved out and I was relying on this job to pay for rent. While he says that he’s trying to find a way for me to keep working, my guy feeling is that I’m getting laid off.

I’m mostly just pissed off. I’m already looking for new jobs. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

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