
Are these recruiters just social engineering info from you?

A random thought hit me recently, I was laid off from my last job before of budgeting cuts and all that shit. So naturally I have to look for work and I'm currently looking for a job. So I keep on getting these phone calls and emails from So called recruiters, ones with heavy accents and most likely from or operating overseas. I filed for a job or two and never got any kind of response back from these so cold jobs. I'm wondering if these ppl are actually recruiters at all and just trying to prey on people who are down on there luck and trying to collect info from us to spam or scam us. Perhaps I'm being paranoid about this but I am simply concerned about it. So I been just ignoring these emails, marking them as spam and deleting voice mails left. I do check places…

A random thought hit me recently, I was laid off from my last job before of budgeting cuts and all that shit. So naturally I have to look for work and I'm currently looking for a job. So I keep on getting these phone calls and emails from So called recruiters, ones with heavy accents and most likely from or operating overseas.

I filed for a job or two and never got any kind of response back from these so cold jobs. I'm wondering if these ppl are actually recruiters at all and just trying to prey on people who are down on there luck and trying to collect info from us to spam or scam us. Perhaps I'm being paranoid about this but I am simply concerned about it.
So I been just ignoring these emails, marking them as spam and deleting voice mails left.

I do check places out before calling back, checking phone numbers, checking websites etc and yes I know this all can be spoofed. Am I alone here? Or am I just paranoid?

Yes these recruiters are clearly Indian decent with heavy accents and don't seem legit

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