
Haven’t watched the news in a while, now I remember why.

I was stuck waiting for th dentist and decided to watch the local news. Big mistake. I was so fucking annoyed with this boomer/capitalist propaganda I heard. Here was the broadcast. The entire segment was blaming workers. It started off blaming people for wanting to work from home and the workers being responsible for “boutique” businesses closing due to high costs/rents. There was a 5 minute discourse on how it's ALSO our fault for “quiet quiting”. So, WFH are being blamed for not going into work, and not working unpaid overtime and only doing their job responsibilities. It's up to the employees to “bootstrap” and help their employers, for free, since they are paying them. As a result, what to companies do? They lay off employees due to “poor performance”. What does the Fed do? Punish us with high interest rates. The entire panel turned into blaming workers for working…

I was stuck waiting for th dentist and decided to watch the local news. Big mistake. I was so fucking annoyed with this boomer/capitalist propaganda I heard. Here was the broadcast.

The entire segment was blaming workers. It started off blaming people for wanting to work from home and the workers being responsible for “boutique” businesses closing due to high costs/rents. There was a 5 minute discourse on how it's ALSO our fault for “quiet quiting”. So, WFH are being blamed for not going into work, and not working unpaid overtime and only doing their job responsibilities. It's up to the employees to “bootstrap” and help their employers, for free, since they are paying them.

As a result, what to companies do? They lay off employees due to “poor performance”. What does the Fed do? Punish us with high interest rates.

The entire panel turned into blaming workers for working less, saving money, spending less,etc because they are being paid less and it's going to affect GDP and companies bottom line. They quickly glossed over a 400% increase in credit card purchases and applications.

When asked about the federal government to put a cap on prices? Nope, you need to start going into work so the GDP goes up and eventually the prices “should” go down. It's not the governments job to look out for the people.

And the final segment is how neighbors should pool money together to support companies during Halloween with 5% increase in prices again.

So in the meantime the message is, SPEND MORE, WORK MORE UNPAID HOURS, STOP WFH and learn to live with less. If you are struggling, FUCK YOU.


PS- The entire segment was run by a 70 year old boomer “economist”.

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