
I’m so tired of this

Working white collar. I'm an engineer at a company that doesn't really need one, but might in the next 3-5 years. Pay is decent, but not great. Commute is literally an hour one way when traffic is good on the interstate. Its never good. Got written up for being less than 5 minutes late today “This is the third time in the past 30 days this has happened, JackTheBehemothKillr! You requested an adjusted schedule so that you could come in later and avoid this and we bent over backwards to allow it! I don't want to have this happen again!” Looking at the same chart of my clock-ins and clock-outs, I've been ~15 minutes early for over half that 30 days, and I've not taken a lunch break at any point so I can stay on top of the stupid workload he assigns and deadlines that the sales team guarantees…

Working white collar. I'm an engineer at a company that doesn't really need one, but might in the next 3-5 years. Pay is decent, but not great.

Commute is literally an hour one way when traffic is good on the interstate. Its never good.

Got written up for being less than 5 minutes late today “This is the third time in the past 30 days this has happened, JackTheBehemothKillr! You requested an adjusted schedule so that you could come in later and avoid this and we bent over backwards to allow it! I don't want to have this happen again!”

Looking at the same chart of my clock-ins and clock-outs, I've been ~15 minutes early for over half that 30 days, and I've not taken a lunch break at any point so I can stay on top of the stupid workload he assigns and deadlines that the sales team guarantees the customers.


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