
On P.Administrative Leave over some BS at work…

While I'm not allowed to talk about this to co-workers and colleagues, I'm talking about it here. I work at a school, as a custodian. It sucks at times, but the reasons I'm there is both pay and the crew I work with. I shouldn't be treating this as a big deal because I am going to be leaving anyways after a year and a couple months due to moving. However, I am irritated to know how I got this handed to me. Rewinding this past weekend, I am to work every Saturday of the weekend. This guy, whom I didn't know even worked in the same building as I did because of his casual outfit, was bringing his family along through the events lobby where we have auditorium, athletic events .etc. And I was about to go to the set of doors to proceed on my way to clean…

While I'm not allowed to talk about this to co-workers and colleagues, I'm talking about it here. I work at a school, as a custodian. It sucks at times, but the reasons I'm there is both pay and the crew I work with.

I shouldn't be treating this as a big deal because I am going to be leaving anyways after a year and a couple months due to moving. However, I am irritated to know how I got this handed to me. Rewinding this past weekend, I am to work every Saturday of the weekend.

This guy, whom I didn't know even worked in the same building as I did because of his casual outfit, was bringing his family along through the events lobby where we have auditorium, athletic events .etc. And I was about to go to the set of doors to proceed on my way to clean another area. One of his relatives, decides to completely shut the door on me as I was on my way to the doors. He didn't leave the door open a creek, no, he completely shuts it on me and it was locked too.

All I got was a wimpy “sorry” from him as he was passing by and all I did was just nod and sarcastically said “yup” and “thanks” in similar tone. Under my breath also when I got to the door, I said “fucking christ” because it was frustrating that something this disrespectful had to happen to me.

I then hear behind me “what did you say?” from the guy and I made out something unintelligible and low but nothing towards him because I was focused on proceeding to the door. The co-worker brings his family over to some small area near the auditorium doors and tells me “you didn't have to call him an ass”. I didn't. I then told him after this that “I work a stressful job, okay? Don't talk to me anymore!” to which he responded weakly with “we work in the same building!” and that's when I knew he was a co-worker.

3 days later, yesterday, I'm asked to go to the office of the principal by my supervisor. And I get this paper handed to me explaining that I'm on paid administrative leave. That means that this fucker is exaggerating and orchestrating a bullshit slander story on me to make it go this far. When, it could've been solved as quickly as getting us into the office of the principal and talk it out. I didn't get that.

So now I'm expecting to hear some bullshit like “He…he threatened my family!!” or something Karen-level from this spineless looking asshole jeopardizing my job. I mean, I'm leaving anyways, but I would like the last two pay checks of this month and I don't care if I'm terminated afterwards.

This school is filled with overly sensitive people.

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