
Seriously considering taking a job at a burnout factory – what are some strategies or negotiation requests that could make it a more sustainable situation?

I hope this kind of post is okay here. I’m on the verge of accepting a position at a company with a proven track record of burning out employees (chronic stress, overwhelming/impossible workload expectations, lots of turnover, bad accountability practices, general organizational dysfunction, etc.). I do actually want the job and I support the mission of the company, so I’m looking for creative suggestions for what I can ask for before accepting the offer that can help make it a more sustainable situation for me long-term. Open to any and all advice; thanks in advance!

I hope this kind of post is okay here. I’m on the verge of accepting a position at a company with a proven track record of burning out employees (chronic stress, overwhelming/impossible workload expectations, lots of turnover, bad accountability practices, general organizational dysfunction, etc.). I do actually want the job and I support the mission of the company, so I’m looking for creative suggestions for what I can ask for before accepting the offer that can help make it a more sustainable situation for me long-term.

Open to any and all advice; thanks in advance!

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