
Is it frowned upon to nap on your lunch break?

Being tired as hell today at work makes me remember the time I got in trouble at my old job for taking naps during my lunch break. It took me a while to get “caught” but basically I would eat for 15 minutes, then go to the back empty office and sit in a chair, close my eyes, rest my head against the wall and try to get a nice 25-30min power nap. Is this really that bad? I had an hour lunch break…

Being tired as hell today at work makes me remember the time I got in trouble at my old job for taking naps during my lunch break. It took me a while to get “caught” but basically I would eat for 15 minutes, then go to the back empty office and sit in a chair, close my eyes, rest my head against the wall and try to get a nice 25-30min power nap. Is this really that bad? I had an hour lunch break…

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