
Teachers are suckers

I’m writing to this community out of frustration for my career. I’m a teacher with 17 years experience, and every day I show up when I’m supposed to and every time I leave when my contract says I can, the parking lot is full. I wish more of my colleagues would see this sub or realize this idea and wake up. It is accepted and normalized within my profession that teachers always spend time after work and even take work home. It’s just what teachers do! I know, because I began this career doing exactly that before I gained confidence and also realized that I was done working for free. Seasoned teachers, worth $40 – $50 dollars per hour, are working for free every day. Millions of them. What other profession does this?

I’m writing to this community out of frustration for my career.

I’m a teacher with 17 years experience, and every day I show up when I’m supposed to and every time I leave when my contract says I can, the parking lot is full.

I wish more of my colleagues would see this sub or realize this idea and wake up. It is accepted and normalized within my profession that teachers always spend time after work and even take work home. It’s just what teachers do! I know, because I began this career doing exactly that before I gained confidence and also realized that I was done working for free.

Seasoned teachers, worth $40 – $50 dollars per hour, are working for free every day. Millions of them. What other profession does this?

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