
Got fired for something I didn’t do

Title basically says it all. I’m a pool technician and got blamed for a pool being flooded/needing to be drained. I wasn’t the one who turned the water on, but I’m being blamed anyways. To add insult to injury, there’s someone still employed who actually could’ve killed somebody since they’re not qualified to use the chemicals, and added an absurd amount of chlorine to a small spa. Another co-worker has also flooded a whole basement and didn’t get in trouble. Just bummed that I was already struggling financially and have to regroup quickly.

Title basically says it all. I’m a pool technician and got blamed for a pool being flooded/needing to be drained. I wasn’t the one who turned the water on, but I’m being blamed anyways. To add insult to injury, there’s someone still employed who actually could’ve killed somebody since they’re not qualified to use the chemicals, and added an absurd amount of chlorine to a small spa. Another co-worker has also flooded a whole basement and didn’t get in trouble. Just bummed that I was already struggling financially and have to regroup quickly.

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