
They can’t cheat people anymore.

These companies that have paid the minimum to workers for years are seeing what happens when you continue to pay a non living wage.People just won't work for little to nothing anymore just to fight to keep the lights water and food in their homes when they can't afford rent.Other countries who pay workers high minimum wages are more productive happier and healthier .We are watching the greatest known catastrophe to ever happen to those who have taken from the working class people ever.Those who say McDonald's people shouldn't get 15 an HR have never stood over a hot grill for 8 to 10 hrs .While getting apple pies out of another hot oven while your feet feel like like gonna go numb and holding your urine because a manager says you cannot take a break because they drive thru is full while wondering how you are gonna pay for…

These companies that have paid the minimum to workers for years are seeing what happens when you continue to pay a non living wage.People just won't work for little to nothing anymore just to fight to keep the lights water and food in their homes when they can't afford rent.Other countries who pay workers high minimum wages are more productive happier and healthier .We are watching the greatest known catastrophe to ever happen to those who have taken from the working class people ever.Those who say McDonald's people shouldn't get 15 an HR have never stood over a hot grill for 8 to 10 hrs .While getting apple pies out of another hot oven while your feet feel like like gonna go numb and holding your urine because a manager says you cannot take a break because they drive thru is full while wondering how you are gonna pay for day care while you work this crappy job just so can't afford gas to get to said job.People just won't do it.

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