
Do It! Jump! Stop waiting!

I worked in hell for far too long, it took a toll on my mental health, my relationships, stole all my free time, destroyed my confidence, and by the end I was burnt out and suicidal. I finally moved on, and it was the best decision of my life, my brother even said I sound like myself again. They value me, I’m moving up quickly, and have my life back. Just do it! Your next job may not be the perfect job, but taking the chance is a step in the right direction, keep looking, keep applying, it’s worth it! You are worth it!

I worked in hell for far too long, it took a toll on my mental health, my relationships, stole all my free time, destroyed my confidence, and by the end I was burnt out and suicidal.
I finally moved on, and it was the best decision of my life, my brother even said I sound like myself again. They value me, I’m moving up quickly, and have my life back.
Just do it! Your next job may not be the perfect job, but taking the chance is a step in the right direction, keep looking, keep applying, it’s worth it! You are worth it!

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