
Fired for taking the blame

As the title suggests, I got fired for taking the blame. It all started about a week ago when my boss questioned why I was processing paperwork in a certain way when I was simply following the procedures that my coworkers have taught me. Despite that, I thought it was best to not throw my coworkers under the bus and take the blame. I apologized to my boss and promised to do better. At the time I thought the ordeal was over. But, within the same hour, my boss came back to address my “wrong-doings” again. Once again I apologized and took the heat. To sum it up shortly this happened a couple more times throughout the day. Eventually, it got to the point that I was noticeably irritated for being nagged at constantly for something that is not necessarily my fault to begin with. I stated for the last…

As the title suggests, I got fired for taking the blame.

It all started about a week ago when my boss questioned why I was processing paperwork in a certain way when I was simply following the procedures that my coworkers have taught me. Despite that, I thought it was best to not throw my coworkers under the bus and take the blame. I apologized to my boss and promised to do better. At the time I thought the ordeal was over. But, within the same hour, my boss came back to address my “wrong-doings” again. Once again I apologized and took the heat. To sum it up shortly this happened a couple more times throughout the day.

Eventually, it got to the point that I was noticeably irritated for being nagged at constantly for something that is not necessarily my fault to begin with. I stated for the last time that I understand that she addressed this concern and that I will improve. I tried to be stern with my tone to imply to my boss that I am well aware of what to do from now on and to kindly “back off”. In the end, I thought that what I did was right and that my coworkers would eventually vouch for me in the future for taking the blame this time.

Well, I was wrong.

A couple days ago, a similar situation occurred where I was stuck in a position where I could either throw my coworkers under the bus or take the heat. My boss yet again questioned how I was processing paperwork and I simply answered that this is the way I was taught. Later that day, I noticed that my boss was having individual meetings with my other coworkers except for me and I can only assume they may have been discussing how I was trained. I thought I was in good hands for taking the blame the other time, but after the meeting I noticed that the general mood of the office has changed.

Then one day, I showed up to work and I got fired for not being a good fit. Seems like my coworkers did not vouch for me at all. Some may call me dumb for not noticing the signs or being too naive, but I have definitely learnt my lesson. Corporate offices create a work environment where people will only look out for themselves and as much as I hate it, I can’t help but think that I have to act selfish too. Being that i'm in my mid twenties and having work two corporate jobs, I am very lost on what I want to do in the future. I don't think I want to work in an office again. But, what choice do I have when I want to put my degree into use and make a living wage.

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