
Working at a company, with people you hate, for the LOLs.

I work at an Employee Owned Company. It't not what you would think. One of it's main selling points is profit sharing. Most of the managers are people who couldn't make it at jobs that had goals and standards that most of the employees could normally meet. We are what was for a while considered front line workers and many outside the industry would consider us “unskilled” laborers. I was trained at another company by people who had been working in the industry for decades. This company doesn't believe in training, you'll either figure it out, work harder and faster or quit. If you put me with one of their long time employees I can get more done with a third of the effort, which they see as me not working as hard as them so they will stop doing the hard work and leave the heavy lifting to me.…

I work at an Employee Owned Company. It't not what you would think. One of it's main selling points is profit sharing. Most of the managers are people who couldn't make it at jobs that had goals and standards that most of the employees could normally meet. We are what was for a while considered front line workers and many outside the industry would consider us “unskilled” laborers. I was trained at another company by people who had been working in the industry for decades. This company doesn't believe in training, you'll either figure it out, work harder and faster or quit. If you put me with one of their long time employees I can get more done with a third of the effort, which they see as me not working as hard as them so they will stop doing the hard work and leave the heavy lifting to me. This would piss me off. I hate the people here and know I should quit, but they lack so much basic industry knowlegde that they waste some times thousands of dallors an hour, and at times for fun I calculate how much money they piss away in a shift in lost labor. I at one point had figured that one supervisor (people quit because the work is hard and people are lazy) had cost the company between 30 and 60 thousand on turnover alone, only to find that I was basing it on old costs and it was actually in the hundreds of thousand range. One part of my job at another company, that took me 3 hours,with a part time employees help, only at the busyest times is done here by a supervisor level person and takes them more that 8 hours to complete. When I offered to train them so that they could do it easyer and faster I was told to mind my own business and that the current person would figure it out on his own. Remember this is a profit sharing company so you would think they would want nothing better then to increase productivity, especially in a way that makes the job easyer, but no, they are to quote the phase ” the bestest ever” at what they do. They act like they invented this job and any thought of improving it is heresy. Because they are always going to be shorthanded I have been doing the quiet quiting thing and they know it, but other than being asses to me they can't do much about it. The pay is at the industry standard so if I quit and go some where else I will only get a modest increase in pay and probably be working for people who don't have their heads quite so fare up their asses and will exspect more of me at my level of expierence. So for now I just go in, work at a speed that makes me happy and take their money. I know I should quit and look for some place better managed, but after a life time of being a key person who people depend on its nice not to care about the job and the people I “work” with.

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