
didn’t get paid today (payday)

So usually my direct deposit hits on Thursday night. It wasn't there when I woke up today. I understand Monday was a holiday so maybe things are slightly delayed. When I got to work I stopped by the payroll persons office and asked “hey did you get paid?” She said no and that due to the holiday we would all be receiving paper checks today. Odd but this did happen once before back on the 4th of July. We use ADP for payroll and paychecks. Fine, I can deal with that slight inconvenience. Then a few hours later they announced to the entire office that we won't be getting paid until Monday due to “a delay with ADP because of the holiday” That sounds incredibly suspicious to me as thousands of companies nationwide use ADP. Did Walmart employees all not get paid today too? I don't think so. So I…

So usually my direct deposit hits on Thursday night. It wasn't there when I woke up today. I understand Monday was a holiday so maybe things are slightly delayed. When I got to work I stopped by the payroll persons office and asked “hey did you get paid?” She said no and that due to the holiday we would all be receiving paper checks today. Odd but this did happen once before back on the 4th of July. We use ADP for payroll and paychecks. Fine, I can deal with that slight inconvenience. Then a few hours later they announced to the entire office that we won't be getting paid until Monday due to “a delay with ADP because of the holiday” That sounds incredibly suspicious to me as thousands of companies nationwide use ADP. Did Walmart employees all not get paid today too? I don't think so. So I think someone higher up with money or payroll fucked up and instead of telling us someone made a mistake they are dancing around bullshitting us and then breaking it to us late in the day so it's too late to leave or do anything about it. Anyways, just might be time to move on to something else. Another big company that doesn't give a shit but hey maybe I can find one that will compensate me regularly for my time. My plan is to go in Monday morning and sit at my desk doing absolutely nothing until the past due owed wages appear via direct deposit in my bank account. Thanks for letting me rant.

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