
found out yesterday my job cut hrs today I’m laid off

Never ever work for a start up. I worked for a transportation company our funding got cut and they slashed their budget to a quarter. I busted my ass for this company to help get it running, train new hire, implement procedures etc. My coworker told yesterday that as of next week my boss will cut everyone's hours from 40 hrs to 15 hrs a week. I was the last fucking person he told. To not hear it from my boss was a slap in the face and he wouldn't even talk to this morning like the fucking coward he is. Thank goodness I can get unemployment at least till I find something else. Takeaway NEVER work for a start up.

Never ever work for a start up. I worked for a transportation company our funding got cut and they slashed their budget to a quarter. I busted my ass for this company to help get it running, train new hire, implement procedures etc. My coworker told yesterday that as of next week my boss will cut everyone's hours from 40 hrs to 15 hrs a week. I was the last fucking person he told. To not hear it from my boss was a slap in the face and he wouldn't even talk to this morning like the fucking coward he is. Thank goodness I can get unemployment at least till I find something else. Takeaway NEVER work for a start up.

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