
Just got let go from a job because my tire got a flat

So this job was actually pretty chill all things considered, I was technically a supervisor for a: the easiest thing to call it is an interactive arcade. The pay was okay, the work itself was easy as it gets, but the hours were ABYSMAL. I'm talking 20 > a week (I was promised more when I started, of course lol) But we were supposed to get more hours when summer started and we got busier, sure fine, whatever. Summer came and went… no increase in hours, in fact I got less. The boss herself was actually pretty nice, had a good attitude and worked hard, but she made some strange decisions. A couple months ago she wrote me up because she had checked the security camera the night before and saw me and another employee on our phones up at the front desk instead of cleaning right before close. I…

So this job was actually pretty chill all things considered, I was technically a supervisor for a: the easiest thing to call it is an interactive arcade. The pay was okay, the work itself was easy as it gets, but the hours were ABYSMAL. I'm talking 20 > a week (I was promised more when I started, of course lol)

But we were supposed to get more hours when summer started and we got busier, sure fine, whatever. Summer came and went… no increase in hours, in fact I got less.

The boss herself was actually pretty nice, had a good attitude and worked hard, but she made some strange decisions. A couple months ago she wrote me up because she had checked the security camera the night before and saw me and another employee on our phones up at the front desk instead of cleaning right before close. I didn't mention at all how that was weird as fuck and kind of creepy, but I did mention how we were only doing that because the venue was completely empty and we had already completed all the cleaning duties early, since yknow, it was empty. She didn't care, still wrote me up. But fine, I thought, technically we shouldn't have been on our phones, so I grit my teeth and accepted it.

THEN one of our employees quit, he turned in his 2 weeks but didn't show up to any of his shifts after that (don't blame him lol he got another job that gave him far more hours and better pay). So she went and hired another employee to replace him, no problems with that.

Except this new employee was immediately given a title above mine, given more hours, and immediately somehow seemed to have more authority than me who had been working there for 4 months by that point. Now that's when I started to get disillusioned. She was getting 30+ hours a week while I NEVER got above 20. I did my job perfectly too, I never got any complaints about my cleaning, performance, ability to get reviews (google reviews were big for us), and I was never late, something that couldn't be said for my co workers. I even liked my co workers too, they were great, loved working with them, but it was just those things I couldn't control.

Then cut to last Saturday, the day before I had to drive 4 hours for a trip I planned for a year. An hour before my shift I go outside and find that my tire is flat, and not just flat, shits slashed, not sure how or what did it, but thats what it was. I immediately texted my co worker the situation and she understood, was a little annoyed I think because she said it was quite busy, but she understood. She just told me to text my manager about it. Well unfortunately I was kind of pre occupied trying to get this fixed, as I didn't have triple A or insurance at the time (oops).

It takes me 3 and a half hours to get it off and get the spare on, and I forgot to text my boss about the situation. My bad, I know, but my co worker I texted was technically my superior anyways and could have told her herself, and my GM wasn't even working that day.

I come into work today and she says we need to talk. She talks about how “unacceptable” it was to not let her know about the situation on Saturday and how busy they were, like it was something I could control. She then tells me how many times she's talked to me and confronted me about my performance when in reality it's been literally once. I tell her how disrespected I've felt because of the promise of more hours she gave me that I never saw, to which she says it was “based on my performance”, something she NEVER said to me before.

She then hands me a notice of separation and I immediately take it and throw it in the trash in front of her. I walk out the door and say “Next time you hire somebody, you should probably respect their time and effort they give you.”

I have law school next year and I just got out of the military, aint the kinda shit I need at the moment. Already have an interview for a bartender position on monday.

At least I have more time to play with the new cat I rescued until I get hired again lol.

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