
When will companies learn?

I was a controller for a small company that was acquired by a fortune 500 company. The division we were put into does not have local accounting people. Their accounting is done at headquarters, but we were/are self supporting and had to do our own. Because of this they did not have an accounting title for me. So, they made me a customer care manager. I really did not care as long as I was paid. Big mistake… I did not get a raise in April 2020, but I just went with it thinking it was due to COVID. The next year (2021) I again did not get a raise and realized it had nothing to do with COVID. It was because I made too much money for the position I was put in. I complained and let them know that if there was a third year without a raise,…

I was a controller for a small company that was acquired by a fortune 500 company. The division we were put into does not have local accounting people. Their accounting is done at headquarters, but we were/are self supporting and had to do our own. Because of this they did not have an accounting title for me. So, they made me a customer care manager. I really did not care as long as I was paid. Big mistake… I did not get a raise in April 2020, but I just went with it thinking it was due to COVID. The next year (2021) I again did not get a raise and realized it had nothing to do with COVID. It was because I made too much money for the position I was put in. I complained and let them know that if there was a third year without a raise, I would be gone. Then I decided why wait… I found a new position much closer to home for more money and with a company who appreciates me.

Lazy HR people who are not willing to add job titles for positions and managers who do not fight for their employees hurt companies. The funny part is that I am not sure that my replacement will be able to do the job. When you advertise for a “customer care manager” but really need a controller, you end up getting what you deserve.

When will they learn?

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