
Would you rather

Would you rather do $2 million+ worth of work for $60k or $0 worth of work for $0. That’s the situation I am in now. Same company for 3 years. Over those 3 years my responsibilities at this company ramped up exponentially but my pay instead increased .. 3 fucking percent. This company is making so money of me for all the work I do and I know I’m right cause I even help accounting with creating the quote to the dam customer. Like what the fuck. I think I rather quit then get worked to the bone and have all that money go to to the CEO.

Would you rather do $2 million+ worth of work for $60k or $0 worth of work for $0. That’s the situation I am in now. Same company for 3 years. Over those 3 years my responsibilities at this company ramped up exponentially but my pay instead increased .. 3 fucking percent. This company is making so money of me for all the work I do and I know I’m right cause I even help accounting with creating the quote to the dam customer. Like what the fuck. I think I rather quit then get worked to the bone and have all that money go to to the CEO.

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