
The goal is not happiness or freedom

How do you get out of this? What is a person supposed to do? I work in tech and I have a good paying job. I’m not lazy. I’m not stupid. So I'm outside of the “lazy, uneducated” worker argument most people want to shell out. Yet, I have become completely at odds with the job market and what is being asked of me over and over again. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve found myself to be obstinate or downright pessimistic with my job role – and it’s not the kind of person I’m used to being. I’ve developed insomnia and this general feeling of never being able to escape. Taking vacations and time off doesn’t address the issue. I’ve recently had the frustrating realization that even applying to a new job would not be an ultimate end. I make in the $30/hr range and an alarming amount…

How do you get out of this? What is a person supposed to do?

I work in tech and I have a good paying job. I’m not lazy. I’m not stupid. So I'm outside of the “lazy, uneducated” worker argument most people want to shell out. Yet, I have become completely at odds with the job market and what is being asked of me over and over again. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve found myself to be obstinate or downright pessimistic with my job role – and it’s not the kind of person I’m used to being.

I’ve developed insomnia and this general feeling of never being able to escape. Taking vacations and time off doesn’t address the issue. I’ve recently had the frustrating realization that even applying to a new job would not be an ultimate end. I make in the $30/hr range and an alarming amount of positions want you to give up more and more of your personal time, travel, or wear several hats in one role. They want you to exist for them.

I fear this is a consequence of a world driven by technology. The continued integration of the smartphone into our daily lives and technology making everything faster, cheaper, and easier to manufacture has forced the world to move fast and hit ridiculous deadlines. It’s insane and certainly no way to live.

I don’t understand anyone who takes pride in working 24/7 and having a ton of money to do nothing with. Yes, having enough money to meet your needs and a little extra is a good thing, but when you have everything you want and then some, you’ll find that the other things you want can’t be bought. So big deal if you have 3 cars and a giant house. Are you happy?

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