
Worth it to leave a job after 5 months?

Hey y’all don’t want to give anything away but I left a corporate job after 6 months in it bc I got a better offer in the cannabis industry in California. The industry is really bad right now but on top of that I can’t stand my work environment. I have been here for only four months but the amount of times I’ve been thrown under the bus or blamed for issues personally has been insane. My boss does his best but the politics in this workplace are the worst I’ve ever seen. While on one hand it seems like leadership likes me, the amount of unprofessional finger pointing is insane. Today I got called out and my boss was ripped apart for something that was 10000000% hit my fault to the point where I literally had physical evidence of the fact that it wasn’t my fault and we just…

Hey y’all don’t want to give anything away but I left a corporate job after 6 months in it bc I got a better offer in the cannabis industry in California. The industry is really bad right now but on top of that I can’t stand my work environment. I have been here for only four months but the amount of times I’ve been thrown under the bus or blamed for issues personally has been insane. My boss does his best but the politics in this workplace are the worst I’ve ever seen. While on one hand it seems like leadership likes me, the amount of unprofessional finger pointing is insane. Today I got called out and my boss was ripped apart for something that was 10000000% hit my fault to the point where I literally had physical evidence of the fact that it wasn’t my fault and we just ignored it. It was like being gaslight. I won’t lie I am in a terrible place. I do a lot of work at this job and my boss really likes what I’m doing, but outside of my team I mean fuck we are yelled at by fucking truck drivers in this job. This team is such a punching bag it’s not even funny. I feel terrible about leaving my boss but to be honest my mental health at this job has been terrible. They keep saying don’t take things personally but I have no idea what that means when I am actively blamed for shit that I had nothing to do with. It’s so hard to work with people knowing that they will at any point in time turn on you and stab you in the back.

Anyway the market is honestly really good right now outside of cannabis so I kind of just want out right now. I just can’t work like this. Is it the right thing to do?

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