So I work in the service industry in a food service job. For the last year now. And I decided to quit tonight.
The stress is overwhelming. The pay isn’t min wage , but not worth the workload, stress and emotional agony that it has caused me.
You’re expected to do your job, and 2 other jobs simultaneously.
I’ve worked in fast food. Restaurants and etc and I’ve never experienced a job more miserable than this.
We’re extremely short handed, and our manager shows up whenever they feel like it.
Our GM is a micromanaging dictator. no tattoos, no piercings. No drinks OR water cups allowed in our department, we must “get a doctors note to have water kept in our dept.” despite it being a kitchen with grills and fryers and ovens.
During my training I had to watch a video about “how bad unions are” and “don’t tell anyone what you make. That’s private”
no free drinks, must purchase a cup each time, We get no discounts, no free meal, only 1 monthly free meal and the occasional ice cream party. (Go figure) and
Some days we aren’t even scheduled people for a certain position and we’re expected to carry the load. And we’re unable to get overtime pay.
If you don’t have your work done you’re expected to stay past your clock out time and take care of it. No excuses.
I put my two weeks notice in at the beginning of the week and after talking to someone about how stressful, emotionally draining and downright miserable this job is…..I’ve decided not to show up tomorrow.
We’ve had several people walk out because the work was “too much” and I’m really trying hard to not feel guilty for not going in tomorrow.
Knowing I don’t have to go back there is actually the most massive weight off my shoulders. I feel giddy, I feel happy.
And for months now it’s taken all the energy I have to just go and do my job. I’ve been so depleted that I can’t really keep up with anything else.
However I start a new job very soon. So I think a nice little vacation in between will be a good reset for me.
Should I be this guilty ??