
I Got My Supervisor Suspended? I Think?

Long story short, my supervisor hates me and doubled my six month probationary period for reasons unrelated to my job performance including a period of coming in late when I was having transportation issues with the buses and the time I “incorrectly” called out sick. I wrote a complaint and sent it to her boss, HR, and my union. My supervisor’s boss has been super supportive and disclosed to me that he had never given her the okay time extend my probation. He reprimanded her for lying to me about that. She ended up calling out of work 4 days in a row and is now taking a leave of some sort for 2+ weeks in total. I don’t know what’s going on and even tho I have support, I feel really uncomfortable about the idea of what will happen when she comes back? Working with her has never been…

Long story short, my supervisor hates me and doubled my six month probationary period for reasons unrelated to my job performance including a period of coming in late when I was having transportation issues with the buses and the time I “incorrectly” called out sick. I wrote a complaint and sent it to her boss, HR, and my union. My supervisor’s boss has been super supportive and disclosed to me that he had never given her the okay time extend my probation. He reprimanded her for lying to me about that. She ended up calling out of work 4 days in a row and is now taking a leave of some sort for 2+ weeks in total. I don’t know what’s going on and even tho I have support, I feel really uncomfortable about the idea of what will happen when she comes back? Working with her has never been ideal but it’s gotten worse and worse as I take on more and more responsibility. She seems to resent me for doing my job and being well liked. I don’t know if I caused her to be suspended or take a voluntary leave but it seems like I may be at least partly to blame. What tf am I supposed to do when she’s back? I can’t leave unless I have another job lined up. I feel trapped.

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