
New boss is annoyed with me for working part time, at my part time job.

I (28F) started a new job at a small company about three months ago. For context, I have about 7 years of experience in another field but left due to health reasons. I took a few months off to rest and decided to look for a part time job, which is how I landed here. These health reasons will affect me for the rest of my life, which is important for the story. (My new boss is unaware of this.) The job ad stated Wednesday through Friday, 8-5, $17/hour. Perfect for me as I was looking for 3 days a week. It was listed as warehouse and delivery work. I took the job and I genuinely enjoy it. However, I have started taking on more responsibility including some accounting, inventory, and sales, on top of my daily delivery route. Fine by me, I like to be productive, but I’m aware…

I (28F) started a new job at a small company about three months ago. For context, I have about 7 years of experience in another field but left due to health reasons. I took a few months off to rest and decided to look for a part time job, which is how I landed here. These health reasons will affect me for the rest of my life, which is important for the story. (My new boss is unaware of this.)

The job ad stated Wednesday through Friday, 8-5, $17/hour. Perfect for me as I was looking for 3 days a week. It was listed as warehouse and delivery work.

I took the job and I genuinely enjoy it. However, I have started taking on more responsibility including some accounting, inventory, and sales, on top of my daily delivery route. Fine by me, I like to be productive, but I’m aware that I deserve more compensation for these additional responsibilities.

I have already noticed my boss making passive aggressive comments about how I only work 3 days a week. Strange, because he decided on that schedule. Anyway, the other day as I was leaving he said “Enjoy your 4 day weekend!” and rolled his eyes, using a passive aggressive tone. I quickly reminded him that it was his idea for me to work that schedule. He replied with “no it wasn’t!”

Confused, I said “The job posting said Wednesday through Friday. Didn’t you write that?” He said “well yeah, but I was having trouble finding someone to work full time. I figured I’d get you in the door part time, and you’d eventually want full time!” I told him I would not be doing that. He sarcastically replied with “Must be nice to be retired at 28…”

He then went on to add that he was looking to hire a retired person for this job to do light work, but found me instead. I am doing much more than light work, and he just admitted to me that I’m making “light work” pay.

I did not disclose my health reasons for needing to work part time, and I’d really rather not. I genuinely enjoy this job, so I don’t want to “run”, but I’d like some advice on how to handle this guys behavior. I want to respond to that conversation effectively and quickly when I get back to work next week. What do you guys think? What would you do?


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