
Feeling depressed before starting new job

All jobs around me are just shitty warehouse jobs or chemical plants. Counter-intuitively to my own personal beliefs, I’ve actually secured a job at a Coca-Cola warehouse. The work environment already screams toxic and right-wing with the manager “suggesting” not to discuss wages and how the warehouse employees are kind of bigoted assholes. There’s nowhere else that even pays close to paying my mortgage. Don’t wanna explain the woes to the wife since we’re already struggling financially but I feel stuck. I’m tired of bad work environments and scraping by. When does it end?

All jobs around me are just shitty warehouse jobs or chemical plants. Counter-intuitively to my own personal beliefs, I’ve actually secured a job at a Coca-Cola warehouse. The work environment already screams toxic and right-wing with the manager “suggesting” not to discuss wages and how the warehouse employees are kind of bigoted assholes. There’s nowhere else that even pays close to paying my mortgage. Don’t wanna explain the woes to the wife since we’re already struggling financially but I feel stuck. I’m tired of bad work environments and scraping by. When does it end?

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