
Insane Interview at

I had this insane interview this year. It came in 3 parts. Interview with recruiter. She was reading from a script. When I asked about how many people were on the team, she started flipping thru her script. I totally ruined her flow. Oops. Interview with team lead. Let's call her Lindsay. She told me she would be taking notes on her computer. She asked many behavioral questions. Then she stopped asking questions… but the typing continued. I asked if she had any other questions. Her response, “Uh huh. Tell me more about that.” Ok so she wasn't even listening. She realized her mistake and we moved on to troubleshooting. She played a video for me and asked what I would do. I asked if she could play it again. Her response, “Interesting approach. What other steps would you take.” I asked ask her to play it again. “I see,…

I had this insane interview this year. It came in 3 parts.

Interview with recruiter. She was reading from a script. When I asked about how many people were on the team, she started flipping thru her script. I totally ruined her flow. Oops.

Interview with team lead. Let's call her Lindsay. She told me she would be taking notes on her computer. She asked many behavioral questions. Then she stopped asking questions… but the typing continued. I asked if she had any other questions. Her response, “Uh huh. Tell me more about that.” Ok so she wasn't even listening. She realized her mistake and we moved on to troubleshooting. She played a video for me and asked what I would do. I asked if she could play it again. Her response, “Interesting approach. What other steps would you take.” I asked ask her to play it again. “I see, I see. And when you say that what else might you try?” What the fuck. Why waste our time if you weren't interested in the first place Lindsay.

A week later, I got the call they wanted somebody with more experience. (I have over 20 years experience with sort of position.)

A week later, an actual manager wanted to talk to me because “they didn't capture the breadth they usually want.” Ok, cool. Another chance.

This fool asks me if I have at least 15 years of GraphQL experience. I told her I think GraphQL is only about 10 years old but I do have 5 years experience. She stops the interview tells me it is inappropriate and unprofessional to correct your interviewer and future manager.

Me: “Ma'am, let's stop the interview here. Thank you for the opportunity to chat, but this doesn't seem like a good fit.”

Her: “Why lie about what you know, dude? You waste or time like this? I should post this on all your social media including LinkedIn.”

Me: “Have a nice day.” Click.

Real nice

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