
Poop in a bucket

Well, I thought I finally found a job that I actually enjoyed. It’s pretty laid back compared to the assembly line/factory type work environment that I have been in for most of my life. I don’t punch a clock, don’t work overtime/get paid for 40 hours. Problem is, my boss is trying to get somebody in as a general helper. He will literally find people on the street to try to come in and work a full 8 hours, doing somewhat menial stuff like cleaning toilets or scraping paint. Most of these people have given up/bailed after about 2 hours…some last maybe 2 days… We’ve had a project on the roof of our building. My boss has had maybe 6 different people up there to trying to do some patching work. I offered to do it, but he wanted me focused on other projects. The last kid he had up…

Well, I thought I finally found a job that I actually enjoyed. It’s pretty laid back compared to the assembly line/factory type work environment that I have been in for most of my life.

I don’t punch a clock, don’t work overtime/get paid for 40 hours.

Problem is, my boss is trying to get somebody in as a general helper. He will literally find people on the street to try to come in and work a full 8 hours, doing somewhat menial stuff like cleaning toilets or scraping paint.

Most of these people have given up/bailed after about 2 hours…some last maybe 2 days…

We’ve had a project on the roof of our building. My boss has had maybe 6 different people up there to trying to do some patching work. I offered to do it, but he wanted me focused on other projects.

The last kid he had up on the roof moaned and groaned, and found any excuse to take a break every 10 min. He ultimately told the kid not to come back.

I kind of got sick of hearing about it, and it’s approaching winter quickly, so I went up and started doing this work myself, while my boss was occupied/out of town on some other business. Late in the day, he comes back and asks what I was up to, and I told him I was on the roof doing some patching and cleaning up some materials (tossing empty buckets, collecting empty wrappers/cardboard tubes from rolls of patching mesh, etc.)

He tells me, “Oh, be careful…one of those buckets has some shit in it.”

Me: “Yeah, they all had shit in them.”

Him: “No, I mean literal human shit and piss. I made that last kid use the bathroom up there on the 3rd time he told me he had to go to the bathroom.”

Me, nodding slowly, “Uh hmm…” wondering if the one bucket that I thought was a dried blob of roof tar and rain water that splashed out at me was really roof tar and rain water…

After going home, throwing out my clothes, and taking 2 showers, I started to wonder how long it will be before I get laid off because this kid files some sort of lawsuit and owns everything.

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