
Just want a simple job that gives me time to live ?

I just want a part time job like 30 hours a week just so enough to pay me the bare minimum i need to pay my monthly expenses (buy a couple of games and maybe a gym membership) and some food with bills, i don't need no luxury cars or expensive shit, just enough for basic needs, i feel like anything above 30 hours a week is not allowing me to live my life, if i work above that i will feel too exhausted to do anything after my shift hours i just feel too drained to go to the gym and read, just going to sleep and repeat the same horror from the day before and pray for the fucking weekend, anyone feel the same ?

I just want a part time job like 30 hours a week just so enough to pay me the bare minimum i need to pay my monthly expenses (buy a couple of games and maybe a gym membership) and some food with bills, i don't need no luxury cars or expensive shit, just enough for basic needs, i feel like anything above 30 hours a week is not allowing me to live my life, if i work above that i will feel too exhausted to do anything after my shift hours i just feel too drained to go to the gym and read, just going to sleep and repeat the same horror from the day before and pray for the fucking weekend, anyone feel the same ?

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