
Do you know anyone who actually just works eight (8) hours a day? Forty (40) a week?

Deadass outside part-timers and some management jobs, who actually works the 40 hours the media says is normal? Do you know anyone whose 9-5 doesn't actually end up being 9-9? More importantly, are all these extra hours spent actually doing anything productive? Like, are these extra hours needed to actually help anyone, or are you just doing extra TPS tasks? Like, is there a single job you can think of where it's acceptable to see the clock turn to quitting time, finish your immediate task, and clock out? My point is I remember this being a thing. Growing up in the late 90's and early 2000's my dad's job at the steel mill (because we used to have those) ended at 6:00, he'd sometimes be in the middle of something and finish around 6:20 but he usually stopped in this timeframe. He'd be home between 6:30-7:00 every single day. When…

Deadass outside part-timers and some management jobs, who actually works the 40 hours the media says is normal? Do you know anyone whose 9-5 doesn't actually end up being 9-9? More importantly, are all these extra hours spent actually doing anything productive? Like, are these extra hours needed to actually help anyone, or are you just doing extra TPS tasks? Like, is there a single job you can think of where it's acceptable to see the clock turn to quitting time, finish your immediate task, and clock out?

My point is I remember this being a thing. Growing up in the late 90's and early 2000's my dad's job at the steel mill (because we used to have those) ended at 6:00, he'd sometimes be in the middle of something and finish around 6:20 but he usually stopped in this timeframe. He'd be home between 6:30-7:00 every single day. When I worked IT my day “ended” at 5:00 but I always actually stopped between 7:30 and 10:00 because, and I swear it was automated, I always got the Email telling me to stay late. For all those years I probably actually did shit that mattered a dozen times, maybe. Whatever happened to shifts? To just bring closed on the weekends? To meeting your quota and being given a little time off to celebrate?

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