
The employment arena is a war game, and you need to treat it as such.

If you are compelled to sell your body, time, and energy under the threat of state-sanctioned violence, with no hope of peacefully walking away from such a despotic structure and living life on your own terms, then the employment game has gone from one of social prowess to an active war game. That means any and all rules of morality and social engagement are gone. You have an obligation to defend yourself by any means necessary, which means opening up your arsenal to the same scummy practices that they have been using on you for years. All is fair in love and war. Recognize that your employer is your enemy and treat them accordingly. Save your decency and sense of morality for family and friends.

If you are compelled to sell your body, time, and energy under the threat of state-sanctioned violence, with no hope of peacefully walking away from such a despotic structure and living life on your own terms, then the employment game has gone from one of social prowess to an active war game. That means any and all rules of morality and social engagement are gone. You have an obligation to defend yourself by any means necessary, which means opening up your arsenal to the same scummy practices that they have been using on you for years. All is fair in love and war. Recognize that your employer is your enemy and treat them accordingly. Save your decency and sense of morality for family and friends.

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