
My boss hasn’t paid me in two weeks..

For context I am working off the books for this cleaning company .. I know this lady personally because it’s my friends mother and she was looking to hire someone for her business so I let her know i was looking for a job. It started off good then i realized she started paying me on different days ..first it was Friday , then she changed it to Saturday without notifying me now Sunday. At times id even have to remind her to pay me and she just wouldn’t even reply zzthen just pay me. I realized that every-time i would call her she would be home and i never thought anything of it ..anyways one of the business i was cleaning closed down but i was still cleaning other places .. one day she was supposed to pay me and she didn’t so i called to let her know…

For context I am working off the books for this cleaning company ..
I know this lady personally because it’s my friends mother and she was looking to hire someone for her business so I let her know i was looking for a job. It started off good then i realized she started paying me on different days ..first it was Friday , then she changed it to Saturday without notifying me now Sunday. At times id even have to remind her to pay me and she just wouldn’t even reply zzthen just pay me. I realized that every-time i would call her she would be home and i never thought anything of it ..anyways one of the business i was cleaning closed down but i was still cleaning other places .. one day she was supposed to pay me and she didn’t so i called to let her know and she told me she will pay me
then it turned into a week. I have many bills to pay so this isn’t okay for me.. I tell her again and her response is “my boss hasn’t paid me on time i’m sorry “ But if you have a business you still have to pay your workers ? So I knew that was a lie.
It has now been two weeks and now i have an overdraft from a last bill that needed to be paid and i’m broke. Part of me feels like this is my fault for not budgeting my money good and depending on pay but now im very livid and i just feel like i been used to work and make money for her while she sits at home .. I don’t even know if i should go to work tomorrow or what to do from here.

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