
Paying marathon runners by the hour

IMAGINE IF MARATHON RUNNERS WERE AWARDED BY THE HOUR. Those who finish first would be paid least. I've seen people who work so slowly I couldn't believe they were able to keep their jobs, yet in terms of productivity, they were being paid WAY MORE than those who only ever work to their own intrinsically high standards. As someone who prides himself on the quality and timeliness of his work, can you see how being paid by the hour feels? Is this merely envy? I don't think it is. Can you feel what it must be like to be forced to run a marathon at a walk? When it becomes apparent to my colleagues that I'm not happy walking so slowly, and that I'm actually more comfortable running, is it any wonder that colleagues take an axe to this poppy? The professional environment is tuned towards the average employee. Yet…


Those who finish first would be paid least.

I've seen people who work so slowly I couldn't believe they were able to keep their jobs, yet in terms of productivity, they were being paid WAY MORE than those who only ever work to their own intrinsically high standards.

As someone who prides himself on the quality and timeliness of his work, can you see how being paid by the hour feels? Is this merely envy? I don't think it is.

Can you feel what it must be like to be forced to run a marathon at a walk? When it becomes apparent to my colleagues that I'm not happy walking so slowly, and that I'm actually more comfortable running, is it any wonder that colleagues take an axe to this poppy?

The professional environment is tuned towards the average employee. Yet companies claim that the employees they deserve aren't average.

Well, is it any wonder that talented professionals quit average work environments in which they are at pains to make progress?

Some of us end up so demoralised by this playing out over and over again that we prefer unemployment to the reality of it all. A better choice is self-employment, but it can be a lonely road.

At the end of all this, learning to set healthy boundaries isn't as much about saying 'no' to others, it's about saying 'yes' to yourself.

I am not your average worker.

I am a #giftedadult

I am #actuallyautistic

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