
I took a pay cut to save my declining mental health

Months ago, I got a job at Costco. $18.50 an hour and benefits were great. However my building was toxic as fuck. I was kissed on the lips by another employee and was shaken up about it, and I promptly took my complaint to an AGM who reviews the footage and said after he kissed me I hugged him (which I did because I was super scared and felt awkward). Nothing happened to him. I was told “I left the door open”. weeks go by and I learn one of my direct co workers was secretly filming me working. Again, I complained to management and nothing was done. Final straw was we got a temporary manager who only micromanaged me, wrote me up for cutting sandwiches wrong and coached me for taking too long to make stuffed peppers even though other co workers would take a while to complete tasks…

Months ago, I got a job at Costco. $18.50 an hour and benefits were great. However my building was toxic as fuck. I was kissed on the lips by another employee and was shaken up about it, and I promptly took my complaint to an AGM who reviews the footage and said after he kissed me I hugged him (which I did because I was super scared and felt awkward). Nothing happened to him. I was told “I left the door open”. weeks go by and I learn one of my direct co workers was secretly filming me working. Again, I complained to management and nothing was done. Final straw was we got a temporary manager who only micromanaged me, wrote me up for cutting sandwiches wrong and coached me for taking too long to make stuffed peppers even though other co workers would take a while to complete tasks (if they were going slow she’d have someone else help them). I complained to my AGM about her and started venting to him about things I’ve heard. they opened an investigation because I made an inappropriate comment about the things I heard about her. Since day one my manager (whose been out due to medical reasons) would confide in me that he would have to essentially beg upper management to keep me which makes me think I was never wanted from the start. Some other employees would tell me they were trying to push me out since I started. So with all of this, I finally realized that I’ve been going through hell (was pretty much the only female who’d work in the chicken room-my supervisor who was female would rarely do it). I stopped showing up.

My sister got me a job at her work where I’ll be making significantly less. But I feel good knowing I put my mental health before a paycheck. Being treated subhuman by your job is absolutely horrific though.

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