
work harder – get more work

When I was in high school, I worked in a bookstore. My job was to stock new books. It took me 4 hours to put away one cart. But my friend who also worked there only took 2 hours. I got scared I'd be let go for working so slow. But then I noticed another coworker who was still on his first cart after 8 hours. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, “I take books from the top rack of my cart, and place them in the center rack. Then I take books from the center and place them on the bottom.” Basically this guy just stood there all day. No one noticed. I was punishing myself. I never forgot the lesson of that guy.

When I was in high school, I worked in a bookstore. My job was to stock new books. It took me 4 hours to put away one cart. But my friend who also worked there only took 2 hours. I got scared I'd be let go for working so slow. But then I noticed another coworker who was still on his first cart after 8 hours. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, “I take books from the top rack of my cart, and place them in the center rack. Then I take books from the center and place them on the bottom.” Basically this guy just stood there all day. No one noticed. I was punishing myself. I never forgot the lesson of that guy.

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