
How would you rather find out that you did not get a job you interviewed for?

When you interview for a job and have a decent feeling that the interview went well (but not a feeling like you had the job totally on lock), how would you prefer to find out that you did not get the job: Email from hiring manager, more generic email from HR, or phone call from hiring manager. Full disclosure – I am the hiring manager, and I would very much like to keep a good relationship with this candidate because there might be a future position that would work better. Thank you for your input!

When you interview for a job and have a decent feeling that the interview went well (but not a feeling like you had the job totally on lock), how would you prefer to find out that you did not get the job: Email from hiring manager, more generic email from HR, or phone call from hiring manager.

Full disclosure – I am the hiring manager, and I would very much like to keep a good relationship with this candidate because there might be a future position that would work better.

Thank you for your input!

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