
My job involves applying different jurisdictions to claims

I handle multiple state jurisdictions and am given a new one every other year. I've been at my job 12 years and get paid what they offer new hires (had to beg just to get that). I was handed a new jurisdictions this year and was just told to go to that state's website to figure it out. No training. No mentoring. No contact person to ask questions of. Just found out today that I haven't been applying a waiting period for a particular type of benefit, so I've paid a few people who weren't owed. I'm about 2 seconds from quitting with no back up plan. Couple this with the fact that I'm m brother-in-law's caregiver 24/7.

I handle multiple state jurisdictions and am given a new one every other year. I've been at my job 12 years and get paid what they offer new hires (had to beg just to get that). I was handed a new jurisdictions this year and was just told to go to that state's website to figure it out. No training. No mentoring. No contact person to ask questions of. Just found out today that I haven't been applying a waiting period for a particular type of benefit, so I've paid a few people who weren't owed. I'm about 2 seconds from quitting with no back up plan.

Couple this with the fact that I'm m brother-in-law's caregiver 24/7.

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