
Demographics data collections

Being on the hunt for a new job I’m exposed to a lot of demographics requests on employee job sites. From a practical sense, I can understand that some of the newer fields are requesting data to ensure that they are meeting their diversity quotas. That being said, WTF with asking my sexual preferences, my age and my MF religion?!? I find the religion particularly troublesome. It’s sort of like you are damned if you do and your damned if you don’t. Ugh. Just another level of fun in looking for a new job.

Being on the hunt for a new job I’m exposed to a lot of demographics requests on employee job sites.

From a practical sense, I can understand that some of the newer fields are requesting data to ensure that they are meeting their diversity quotas. That being said, WTF with asking my sexual preferences, my age and my MF religion?!? I find the religion particularly troublesome. It’s sort of like you are damned if you do and your damned if you don’t. Ugh. Just another level of fun in looking for a new job.

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