
How long should I wait before contacting labor board?

I got hired at a serving job, and on my first day I found out the person who hired me lied about the tips. Pretty sure what they were doing was illegal in general (tips were given to the operations team, who weren't even at the service), but it doesn't really matter cause I quit after that shift. What's concerning me is they haven't paid me yet and it's been 3 weeks. They didn't respond to my resignation email, and I emailed them again a couple days ago about paying me and still haven't heard a word from them. At what point do I get the labor board involved? Am I being impatient?

I got hired at a serving job, and on my first day I found out the person who hired me lied about the tips. Pretty sure what they were doing was illegal in general (tips were given to the operations team, who weren't even at the service), but it doesn't really matter cause I quit after that shift. What's concerning me is they haven't paid me yet and it's been 3 weeks. They didn't respond to my resignation email, and I emailed them again a couple days ago about paying me and still haven't heard a word from them. At what point do I get the labor board involved? Am I being impatient?

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