
Proud Dad

Proud of my son, he has a high school job typical of what you would expect of a high schooler at a national deli/bagel chain. He’s getting his wisdom teeth pulled in 3 months and requested the time off. He found out this evening that he miscommunicated the days and actually needed request days off the following week. Apparently there is an unwritten policy at his location that changes cannot be made to requested time off after they’ve been made. His request prompted a call from his manager with her stating that this is unacceptable and that if he is scheduled on those days it will be his responsibility to find a replacement….3 months from now. Proud dad moment here, he stood his ground and said that it’s 3 months from now, for a required medical procedure and that if he gets scheduled he won’t be looking for a replacement…

Proud of my son, he has a high school job typical of what you would expect of a high schooler at a national deli/bagel chain. He’s getting his wisdom teeth pulled in 3 months and requested the time off. He found out this evening that he miscommunicated the days and actually needed request days off the following week.

Apparently there is an unwritten policy at his location that changes cannot be made to requested time off after they’ve been made. His request prompted a call from his manager with her stating that this is unacceptable and that if he is scheduled on those days it will be his responsibility to find a replacement….3 months from now.

Proud dad moment here, he stood his ground and said that it’s 3 months from now, for a required medical procedure and that if he gets scheduled he won’t be looking for a replacement because he’s given them 3 months notice. He then told them that this wasn’t his problem.

I’m happy to know that he’s willing to stand his ground and isn’t backing down from their ineptitude.

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