
Supervisor paid cash from his own pocket for my overtime.

I work for a company that feels like a sinking ship. We have lost what I would estimate to be over 30% of our staff. Moral is at an all time low. Upper management is not filling positions and the work load is next to impossible to manage. I am underpaid but it didn’t bother me when the company was more efficient and stress level was low. I have worked overtime a few times before and it was never an issue. A few months ago my team was in dire need to manage the overload that we were experiencing from open positions and we had a key member out on leave. I offered to work overtime to catch us up. My supervisor needed approval from our director and it was approved. I emailed them when I was finished, I documented what I had completed and the hours I worked. I…

I work for a company that feels like a sinking ship. We have lost what I would estimate to be over 30% of our staff.

Moral is at an all time low. Upper management is not filling positions and the work load is next to impossible to manage. I am underpaid but it didn’t bother me when the company was more efficient and stress level was low.

I have worked overtime a few times before and it was never an issue.

A few months ago my team was in dire need to manage the overload that we were experiencing from open positions and we had a key member out on leave. I offered to work overtime to catch us up. My supervisor needed approval from our director and it was approved. I emailed them when I was finished, I documented what I had completed and the hours I worked. I got an email back from director thanking me for my efforts.

A month later I still had not seen the OT in my check. I asked my supervisor about it and he said he would follow up. The next month I asked again and still no answer.

I get a call from my sup to meet in person. Which is very uncharacteristic. We meet and he explains that they cannot pay for the OT. He hands me what was owed to me in what he said was cash from his and our director’s pocket. The VP was on vacation when the director approved it. The director emailed the VP about it figuring it had never been an issue before so it was approved. When he got back from vacation (after I finished the OT) he denied it.

My sup and director are great people to work for but this company isn’t. This has left me with an awful taste in my mouth.

I don’t want to involve HR because I don’t trust they even have our best interests. Maybe they were already notified and failed to act anyway.

I’m now struggling to keep focused. I was always a top performer and have been recognized for that on numerous occasions. I even had aspirations to manage my own team one day.

Just needed to vent to someone. Thanks for listening.

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