
How do I ask to use PTO Sick Leave for awful cramps?

I’ll say it straight, I have horrible cramps, three ibuprofen, a bunch of water, and Chamomilr tea and they haven’t gone away. Heat pad too? Also not enough. I should be asleep but I’m hurting and nauseous and having some diarrhea too. I’m any other case I could absolutely get off for this but since I’m on my period I doubt it. Job’s pretty well set up, all prep work done for tomorrow. And fuck it, I’m leaving in two weeks and I have 19 hours sick leave. How do I get my boss to approve this as sick time because oooooow this hurts like bitch Edit: I took y’all’s advice and just texted her that I feel bad and need to use one of my sick days. She hasn’t responded, but not my problem at this point. Thanks guys w^

I’ll say it straight, I have horrible cramps, three ibuprofen, a bunch of water, and Chamomilr tea and they haven’t gone away. Heat pad too? Also not enough. I should be asleep but I’m hurting and nauseous and having some diarrhea too.

I’m any other case I could absolutely get off for this but since I’m on my period I doubt it.

Job’s pretty well set up, all prep work done for tomorrow. And fuck it, I’m leaving in two weeks and I have 19 hours sick leave. How do I get my boss to approve this as sick time because oooooow this hurts like bitch

Edit: I took y’all’s advice and just texted her that I feel bad and need to use one of my sick days. She hasn’t responded, but not my problem at this point.

Thanks guys w^

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