
Teens shouldn’t be required to work.

I understand the importance of having a job at that age. It builds character, gives a kid some financial freedom and independence, and prepares them for the working world. However, teens shouldn't be expected to work during the summer or weekend if they don't want to. Not all teens who spend their weekends and summers just relaxing are lazy and irresponsible. Not to brag, but I'm an example. Plus, school is like a job if you think about it.

I understand the importance of having a job at that age. It builds character, gives a kid some financial freedom and independence, and prepares them for the working world. However, teens shouldn't be expected to work during the summer or weekend if they don't want to. Not all teens who spend their weekends and summers just relaxing are lazy and irresponsible. Not to brag, but I'm an example.

Plus, school is like a job if you think about it.

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