
What kind of Asshole quits there job and goes after their dream…

Your damn right I did after 12 years with no notice, you feel me? It was not a decision I made lightly. For 2 years prior I was doing the bare minimum because I was not seen, valued or heard in the place that I loved to work… I had been falling out of love with my job for awhile to be honest. What they stood for I could not stay behind them. The spouted of core beliefs and this is what made me fall in love with the company… Maybe that’s not true, it was definitely the people that made me fall in love with the company I worked 12 years for. This is a place where I grew my career. I was very fortunate to have fallen in love with a tech company. I learned so much and basically I was just a cheerleader for the company an…

Your damn right I did after 12 years with no notice, you feel me? It was not a decision I made lightly. For 2 years prior I was doing the bare minimum because I was not seen, valued or heard in the place that I loved to work…

I had been falling out of love with my job for awhile to be honest. What they stood for I could not stay behind them. The spouted of core beliefs and this is what made me fall in love with the company…

Maybe that’s not true, it was definitely the people that made me fall in love with the company I worked 12 years for. This is a place where I grew my career. I was very fortunate to have fallen in love with a tech company.

I learned so much and basically I was just a cheerleader for the company an employer brand specialist. I did a little bit of everything to be honest a jack of all trades a master of many.

This company I devoted my entire life to, literally, I have been dating the president of one of their software service area. Yup, I loved the job so much that I brought it home with me literally.

So we would always talk about work at some points in our relationship it was the only thing that we had in common… I am still with him and he still works there today, that’s his choice not mine…

So now I have a dilemma see, I have worked my way up through the company all the way to the top as I see it because of those 12 years, 4 of them the CEO was my manager.

I am very grateful of this he taught me more than I could ever repay him for. He was kind of like my parent and I was the rebellious teen…

Our relationship turned toxic because they could only see my mistakes, weaknesses and failures plus I was fucking a boss. I always keep quiet about how they treated me…

They treated me like I was just a hooker and to be honest I kind of felt like one too… I was selling my soul to the devil by working for this company. It went against every fiber of my being, but I was so blinded by love.

There were many points I didn’t know which I loved more my job or my soon to be husband… This created a lot of confusion for me. They nicked named me Super Dreamer and I always let my work speak for itself.

So get this, I am a huge snoop and I won’t deny it and I found a task with my name on it it’s was heart breaking and pretty much that’s when I knew things had shifted for me.

It took me 2 years but I fell out love with my job slowly but surely. I began to see through the fog of loving my job. I had disconnected from my emotions and I found the wonderful world of Reddit. So my days weren’t so bad…

To tell you the truth I started seeing things for what it was and that my friend was not a good match. Very toxic and unhealthy working environment. This point I am hating my job…

My job was a glorified cheerleader which is very valuable to a company or anyone for that fact of the matter. My heart was not in it anymore, I begin to see their flaws, weaknesses and mistakes. This is when I knew things changed.

I was no longer looking at their talents, strengths or successes… I was blinded by hate. So this company got the very best of me and in the end it got the very worse me and that must have not been that bad because I didn’t get fired a I did some fucked up shit I won’t lie.

I have people throwing money my way and offers left and right for jobs. Like I said I wasn’t seen valued and heard because in the end, I was just a hooker selling some bullshit for a bullshit company that broke my heart.

That is not who I want to be, so I quit I’m sure they were not clueless to my lack of passion and my declining work ethic…

So what happened after I requested a new manager to the CEO because I knew I learned everything I could from him and I wanted to learn more. Silly me I wanted to progress my career because boy did he take offense my request to transfer and was frowned upon by many. I felt great I had stood up to my bully…

He granted me my transfer but boy did it ruffle some feathers. My soon to be husbands included. For 2 years, I absorbed so much from the marketing division. Got many certifications, read books absorbed online resources.

I had became a subject matter expert in recruitment marketing. So much so that I helped the company roll out a new service. A service for recruitment marketing. I was having a blast consulting other businesses how to run there recruitment efforts and did the clients love me!

My success ruffled many peoples feathers. I had hate coming at me left and right because everyone saw me a hooker selling some bullshit. But what took me so long to realize I was a hooker selling some bullshit…

I was in charge of recruitment for some bullshit tech company. I believed in the core beliefs but what I didn’t believe in was the people. I had lost hope and faith in humanity to be honest. I seen some sketchy things go on in this large tech company…

My moral compass was broken, I was just a hooker selling my soul to the devil. Who wouldn’t be miserable… I got to the point a few months ago and quit my job and today I don’t regret it, it fluctuates to be honest…

The good thing is I found my positive attitude and I’m taking all the skills that I learned and I’m going after my dreams. I would be lying if I said I never looked back.

Because I cherish all the good and the bad memories. I am lucky to now being on the outside looking in because the company is still teaching me priceless lessons at a far.

Because the hate that I am still getting is teaching me how to love…

So yes, I am the asshole who quit their job after 12 years with no notice and you know what I am proud of that I am putting my career on hold for a bit so I can go after my dreams…

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