
4 step plan to help all workers. (in the u.s.a)

Anyone that's made a billion dollars from their business is either A. charging too much for their product or B. Not paying their employees enough. So we cap capitalism at 1 billion for individuals. Make education free for all, paid for by our taxes, but streamlined using technology. We have the ability to access all of human knowledge on a screen we carry in our pockets. The only use of a collage is to prove you learned what you learned at that location. Make online learning of any subject free, and only use collages as testing centers to prove you learned whatever you needed to get the degree you where trying to attain. Make healthcare free. Many Americans pay WAAAAAAY to much for insurance, just to still have to pay an atrocious amount on any type of Healthcare not fully covered. Making Healthcare free (you know, like some other countries…

  1. Anyone that's made a billion dollars from their business is either A. charging too much for their product or B. Not paying their employees enough. So we cap capitalism at 1 billion for individuals.

  2. Make education free for all, paid for by our taxes, but streamlined using technology. We have the ability to access all of human knowledge on a screen we carry in our pockets. The only use of a collage is to prove you learned what you learned at that location. Make online learning of any subject free, and only use collages as testing centers to prove you learned whatever you needed to get the degree you where trying to attain.

  3. Make healthcare free. Many Americans pay WAAAAAAY to much for insurance, just to still have to pay an atrocious amount on any type of Healthcare not fully covered. Making Healthcare free (you know, like some other countries have managed to do it) would save the average worker thousands of dollars a year.

  4. If the job can be done entirely online or on a phone, then their is absolutely no reasons why someone couldn't work from home. Allowing people to work from home would have a multitude of positive changes, including less cost to work, less traffic on the road, and me not having to work with the guy in the next cubicle that doesn't know what a shower is.

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