
The worst interview

So Ive been trying to find ANYTHING, and I had an interview at a bagel shop. The interview was supposed to be at 1pm and when I showed up they said the manager had to run to another store to get something as they were out. I went and grabbed food and came back at 2 and she still wasnt there. I told them to call me when shes back. 5pm comes around and I still haven’t gotten a call. I end up driving down there as its pretty close and I walk in and theres no customers. I walk up to the counter and had to wait about four minutes before anyone came out to greet me. I ask if the manager is there and she tells me shes on the phone and will be with me shortly. Ten minutes later she finally comes out and introduced herself, no…

So Ive been trying to find ANYTHING, and I had an interview at a bagel shop. The interview was supposed to be at 1pm and when I showed up they said the manager had to run to another store to get something as they were out. I went and grabbed food and came back at 2 and she still wasnt there. I told them to call me when shes back.

5pm comes around and I still haven’t gotten a call. I end up driving down there as its pretty close and I walk in and theres no customers. I walk up to the counter and had to wait about four minutes before anyone came out to greet me. I ask if the manager is there and she tells me shes on the phone and will be with me shortly.

Ten minutes later she finally comes out and introduced herself, no apologies for taking so long or not being there earlier. The first thing she asks is if I have open availability, which I specifically stated in my application that I didn’t. She tells me the only part time availability is a morning shift and I would get maybe 10 hours a week.

I said thats fine, I just need another job so I can afford to fucking survive. The rest of the interview goes halfway decent and at the end I ask how much I would get paid and she says smiling “9.75.” I said seriously? And she said yeah! “After 6 months youll get a .25-.50 raise depending on your work and after a year you can apply for management and make $12/hr!”

At this point I kinda lost it. It was almost 6pm, I had wasted 5 hours of my day, and the manager was acting like 9.50 is something to brag about. I raised my voice and said “So you waste 6 hours of my fucking time, dont even apologize, hadnt even looked at my application or resume, didnt call back when you got back to the store AND made me wait on a call that never came, you have the audacity to act like you’re doing me a favor for hiring me on at 9.50 and hour???? Are you serious right now?”

She got pissed and said I need to leave and that I should be grateful I wouldve gotten 9.50 as the other workers make 9.25, i said fuck you and walked out. It felt like a fucking kick in the gut. Ive been trying to find another job for months and this was the first interview ive had in a few weeks. I dont even know what imma do anymore. $80 a week is not enough to be disrespected and if thats the way she handles interviews I can’t imagine how she runs the damn store.

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