
Should I quit or wait to get fired for refusing to take a drug test?

A month ago, I was falsely accused of being under the influence at work. I was sent in a company vehicle to get drug tested under reasonable suspicion but I was physically unable to produce a sample to test. Important to note that at this facility, I was allowed to take the test in a closed restroom alone. At the time, I was very sick, dehydrated and suffering from anxiety after being falsely accused and just couldn’t produce a large enough sample to be viable but I did attempt to take the test. The nurse had to put that I refused as that was the only option and I was suspended because my work never received any results. After being suspended for nearly a month, I get a call from HR saying that their legal team has decided to give me another chance and to go get tested again but…

A month ago, I was falsely accused of being under the influence at work. I was sent in a company vehicle to get drug tested under reasonable suspicion but I was physically unable to produce a sample to test. Important to note that at this facility, I was allowed to take the test in a closed restroom alone. At the time, I was very sick, dehydrated and suffering from anxiety after being falsely accused and just couldn’t produce a large enough sample to be viable but I did attempt to take the test. The nurse had to put that I refused as that was the only option and I was suspended because my work never received any results.

After being suspended for nearly a month, I get a call from HR saying that their legal team has decided to give me another chance and to go get tested again but I only have that same day to go get tested.

I went to the same company of medical center in a different city to take the test but I was unable to produce a sample once again because I was too nervous to urinate in front of a nurse who had followed me into a 5ft by 4ft stall to watch me urinate.

I have been diagnosed with anxiety and having a woman who I assumed was gay stare at me while I urinate made me extremely uncomfortable and sexually harassed.

I asked if she could step out and she very firmly said if she stepped out then it’s going to be a refusal from me. I asked her to at least look away and she said she couldn’t do that. I told her that this medical center from my city didn’t watch you but she said that’s how they do it here.

I got upset and asked her in the most respectful manner I could to not stare at me. She just kept repeating that it’s her job to look.

I began to unbutton my jeans and started to lower them but the entire time the women has her eyes on my crotch. I asked her with tears running down my face to please not stare at me and she just shook her head signifying no and that it’s her job to make sure I urinate in the cup.

I was struggling mentally and just felt very violated about the whole situation. I’ve been sexually abused by a woman before and it just felt off. I told her I couldn’t do it. I refused to urinate in front of her. I stepped out, grabbed my things and walked out.

The next day the same HR person calls me to ask if I was able to take the test. I said, “I wasn’t able to take the test due to some issues.”. Before I was able to add anything, the HR says ok thank you and immediately hangs up on me.

They haven’t reached out and I expect the next time they call me, it’ll be to fire me. Should I just quit now? Wait for them to fire me due to reasonable suspicion?

Edit: I got fired 2 minutes after posting this lol I was fired due to not complying to the company’s drug policy.

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