
’empathetic recruiter’ on linkedin

Lisa headlines as an 'empathetic recruiter' on LinkedIn. Her most recent post admonishes candidates for not pretending sufficiently that they don't want to work for money. She locked the thread. A typical employer delegates the marketing team to build a homepage, which offers zero information about what the company actually does. “We implement business solutions!” Great, that means nothing at all. How are candidates supposed to get excited about this unique opportunity? There is absolutely nothing to say about the role compared to thousands of similar roles. But it's the candidate's fault somehow. As a software developer, I proudly display my portfolio online. In twenty years, not a single technical interviewer has bothered to discuss my body of work. So dehumanizing. Nope, they just hold a stopwatch and make me jump through arbitrary hoops. The exercise bears no relation to the actual job, but they get to feel entitled as…

Lisa headlines as an 'empathetic recruiter' on LinkedIn.

Her most recent post admonishes candidates for not pretending sufficiently that they don't want to work for money. She locked the thread.

A typical employer delegates the marketing team to build a homepage, which offers zero information about what the company actually does.

“We implement business solutions!” Great, that means nothing at all. How are candidates supposed to get excited about this unique opportunity? There is absolutely nothing to say about the role compared to thousands of similar roles. But it's the candidate's fault somehow.

As a software developer, I proudly display my portfolio online. In twenty years, not a single technical interviewer has bothered to discuss my body of work. So dehumanizing. Nope, they just hold a stopwatch and make me jump through arbitrary hoops. The exercise bears no relation to the actual job, but they get to feel entitled as a judge of coding competitions.

Zero interest from their side in my specific talents. I used to state some unrelated hobbies of mine on my resume. After years of complaints from recruiters about the length of the resume, and 'not enough experience', I took off the hobbies. Because nimrods get distracted too easily. So on paper I'm a rather boring person now.

There's no emotional connection. Just two ships passing quietly in the night, ignoring each other to the fullest extent possible.

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