
Am I the problem for taking my lunch break whenever I want?

I use the one hour I have a day of unpaid time for lunch to do my appointments. I had errands to run and a time sensitive one, at that, and decided to take my lunch break at 9:30am. My boss is upset with me and doesn’t hide it. My coworker told me I need to give my boss 24 hour notice. Why should I have to do that when I make my own schedule during the day? This didn’t interfere at all with his schedule. I get ONE hour during normal business hours and I think I should be able to use that when and how I’d like without repercussions. Am I wrong?

I use the one hour I have a day of unpaid time for lunch to do my appointments. I had errands to run and a time sensitive one, at that, and decided to take my lunch break at 9:30am. My boss is upset with me and doesn’t hide it. My coworker told me I need to give my boss 24 hour notice. Why should I have to do that when I make my own schedule during the day? This didn’t interfere at all with his schedule. I get ONE hour during normal business hours and I think I should be able to use that when and how I’d like without repercussions. Am I wrong?

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