
For every term that corporate news coins we should coin our own

I keep reading about new “problems” in the work force like “quiet quitting” or “over-employment”. We need to come up with terms for corporate strategies to screw employees. Here's a few I can think of: “hours-stealthing” where a job claims the works hours are say 40 and they end up being 50-60 with no overtime pay. “Raise-oopsie” where you get promised a raise and then it never comes due to some reason they make up.

I keep reading about new “problems” in the work force like “quiet quitting” or “over-employment”. We need to come up with terms for corporate strategies to screw employees. Here's a few I can think of: “hours-stealthing” where a job claims the works hours are say 40 and they end up being 50-60 with no overtime pay. “Raise-oopsie” where you get promised a raise and then it never comes due to some reason they make up.

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