
I’m minutes away from quitting in the middle of a shift.

TLDR: Guy calls me racist for following safety protocall. + Coward of a manager = Being done. I work at an arcade. A family came up to the laser tag area with their ticket. I noticed the little girl was too short and told him that for safety reasons I can't let her play. (If the 6ft dad came too quick around a corner and decked his under 4ft daughter it would be an issue yk) He's upset, like cursing at me infront of his kids upset, and I offer to get a manager to give him a refund. At this point the game that was going on had ended and the people came out. A kid came out and the man says something along the lines of “they're the same height why can't she play!?” I say I measured him and he's tall enough. Guy keeps yelling. FATHER OF…

TLDR: Guy calls me racist for following safety protocall. + Coward of a manager = Being done.

I work at an arcade. A family came up to the laser tag area with their ticket. I noticed the little girl was too short and told him that for safety reasons I can't let her play. (If the 6ft dad came too quick around a corner and decked his under 4ft daughter it would be an issue yk) He's upset, like cursing at me infront of his kids upset, and I offer to get a manager to give him a refund. At this point the game that was going on had ended and the people came out. A kid came out and the man says something along the lines of “they're the same height why can't she play!?” I say I measured him and he's tall enough. Guy keeps yelling. FATHER OF RANDOM CHILD stands his kid next to the hight requirement which he clearly makes, and then walks away. Insert more yelling and then a demand for the manager.
I get my manager and explain the situation on the walk over. They explain the safety thing and say they'll get some free stuff as well cuz it was her bday, but stresses that it is a safety thing and the girl couldn't play.
man shoos his kids away
“A lil white boy came out the game the same height as her, that's just racism!”
I say my ONLY words durring their conversation in defence of myself at the moment he says this. Not something I take lightly. Boss says nothing and I turn my back to walk into the laser tag arena. About a minute later I hear her voice and the instructional video play. She not only refunded them, but let them play as well. Coward. There is a camera DIRECTLY above where I measured the random child. I walk directly up to the desk she's at and declare that I am not running that game. She looks me dead in the eyes and then back down at what she was doing so I walk away….

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